Social Media research is a modern and prospective tool for economic, social and marketing research. It is based on web big data, such as Social Media profiles, posts, searching queries, advertisements and transactions.
We apply different Social Media mining & processing software for our research. In particular: Brand24, Socialbakers, Unionmetrics, Trackur, Google Trends, Google AdWords, Buzzsumo, Paralleldots and Socialmention.
Key purposes of Social Media research are:
1. Marketing / Customer researchMarketing research of Social Media helps to:
2. Education and professional orientation. Education is one of the fastest-growing industries nowadays. More people are getting attracted to pursue professional and vocational education. Educational research based on Social Media data and psychological text analysis helps to develop internet tools for educational and professional orientation. It also helps strengthen educational marketing and identify students learning, motivational and behavioral problems.
3. Human Resources researchSocial Media research and automated text analysis is very helpful for identifying the right candidates and check their profiles. Social media research provides with independent information of job candidates experience, values, interests and psychological portrait. Professional orientation can be also analyzed. This research can be compared with information included in CVs and told in job interviews. Another purpose of Social Media research is to help candidates find the most appropriate job positions for them.
4. Corporate working atmosphere Automated text analysis allows you to evaluate the working atmosphere and possible problems inside the company. This evaluation is based on discovering hidden behavioral patterns in Social Media posts. This research can be used in risk-management and credit rating research. It also can be used in investment decision-making process and as a part of due diligence.
5. Social trends researchSocial Media research is a powerful tool to get insights on social trends. Millions of people discuss online their needs, wants, opinions and preferences.All this is expressed in Social Media posts, discussions in forums as well as queries in searching engines. These posts and discussions can be compared with changes to their status, such as marital status, location, job, education etc. This comparison allows to find correlation and discover new social and economic trends at the very beginning.