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Vasily Kashkin

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Dr. Vasily Kashkin is author / co-author of the following books
The books were published in English, Russian and German
Financial leasing for small enterprises
Financial leasing for small enterprises
Author of the book
Financial leasing for small enterprises
Handbook of Credit Rating Practice, in German.
Author of one Chapter
Export Marketing Digital Strategy
Export Marketing Digital Strategy
Author of the book
Financial leasing for small enterprises
KPIs in state economic development programs.
Author of two chapters
Financial leasing for small enterprises
World Leasing Yearbook 2008
Author of one Chapter
Financial leasing for small enterprises
Marketing and regional development of leasing companies
Chief-editor, author of four chapters
Financial leasing for small enterprises
Financial leasing encyclopedia
Author of two chapters
Financial leasing for small enterprises
Leasing Handbook (three editions)
Author of the book
Dr. Vasily Kashkin worked as editor-in-chief of the following journals
Financial leasing for small enterprises
Marketing & Sales
Financial leasing for small enterprises
Financial leasing
Financial leasing for small enterprises
Financial and risk-management in leasing companies