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Maths with fun

Only a few students in class are really good at Maths. Usually these are kids with natural strong abstract thinking or/and with good home-preparation.

What about all others, who are average or poor at Maths? Do they have a chance?

I believe, YES. Not everyone has a talent to be an engineer or physicist, but everyone can master high school course and university entry exam.

This is mostly a question of MOTIVATION. Most students not succeeding at Maths consider it as boring and senseless. Too far from real life and their actual interests.

My approach is to make Maths practical, interesting and funny.

My key principles in teaching Maths and Statistics are:

  • Make it visible. Most of the students learn Maths as a completely abstract concept – and that’s why only students with strong abstract thinking succeed. All others need to see the picture, because our brain is historically visual-oriented. No, I don’t mean this X-Y axis, I mean realistic examples & videos how it looks like in the construction field, for example.
  • Make it realistic and practical. Many people feel real motivation only if they understand practical importance of a subject. Practical motivation is strong: you know how you will use it, so you need it.

    Many students even after high school don’t really know what is practical meaning of “function” or of sin & cos. I try to give a feeling that Maths is around you, everywhere in your daily life.

  • Make it simple. I demonstrate, that the whole textbook can be summarized into short notes on one page. That’s all you actually need in an exam. We refer to that summary page every single class.
  • Make it funny. I use games and quizzes to make Maths funnier. Also I recommend both educational Apps and online games.
  • Memory techniques help to memorize formulas better and develop abstract thinking.
  • Develop abstract & algorithmic thinking. Some people, especially kids, have difficulties with abstract thinking. The problems in Maths come only as a result of this. Some games, such as classical chess, are fascinating and very helpful for developing abstract & algorithmic intellect.
Send a message to discuss details if you want teach your kid by yourself: